A perfect, professional and striking CV at low cost?

A perfect CV, the promise of a scam!

Promises of a perfect CV are only binding on those who listen!

How do you create the perfect, professional CV?

A must-have when looking for a job, a professional CV, like a LinkedIn profile, will help you stand out in front of a recruiter and land an interview. If an employer is interested in your profile, be ready to respond to the slightest solicitation and write a hard-hitting CV. The strategy is simple: you need a perfect CV fast to get a job. Young graduates, especially if it's your first job! CV and cover letter go hand in hand, especially for unsolicited applications.

You started with a résumé free of charge, but you're not a professional writing. You know that to make an original CV, you'll have to write, correct and proofread it. You've already spent several hours on it, but you can't see any more... and you're worried about spelling mistakes. In short, it's not your job. It's time to call in the professionals to optimize the readability of your application and stand out from the crowd. Creating a CV on the Internet can help you find a job or relaunch your career.

Online CV writing for all budgets

From free to paid, the CV market is flourishing. The promise of a model CV!

You call up an online service that suggests you adopt a new CV template: dozens of customizable "templates", examples of CVs galore in Word format, the promise of a good CV, writing tips, a small fee, quick feedback - you're pretty happy with your find!

How much does a CV cost?

The price of a CV depends on a number of factors, including the quality and quantity of work required to create it. For example, a CV created from templates available online will generally cost less than a customized CV written by a professional. Professional rates can vary considerably according to experience and specialization. On average, the services of a CV writer cost between 50 and 250 euros.

How can I get my perfect CV for free?

Download a fill-in-the-blank CV, but make sure you distinguish between a free download and a pay-per-use template. The devil is in the detail: if you need to produce a PDF, beware of scams and check the cost.

The CV templates available for download range from minimalist examples that can be modified with a simple word processor, through Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, to original CV templates made in Photoshop (in PSD) or Illustrator to showcase your portfolio. Unless you're already a designer, a creative CV format with an original layout will lead you to entrust its formatting to a graphic designer. If you don't have a Microsoft Office license, turn to Open-Office and use a free Word template as a starting point. Print as a PDF if you're working with MacOs. You can also find Canva free PDF resume templates.

Free CV templates, letter templates, just name your price!

Not all models are created equal. A student CV will not necessarily contain the headings of a senior CV. If you can't find your ideal free CV template, then start looking for the best downloadable CV to match your personality: simple CV, classic CV or modern CV, there's a plethora of paid CV templates to choose from. Choose according to your target position. The same goes for a cover letter template.

Include your educational and professional background in chronological order, use the right keywords and proofread for spelling mistakes. You only get one chance to make a good first impression...

Is your CV ready to apply? Have you highlighted your main skills and qualifications? Have you outlined your career? Not quite, because there's still the problem of proofreading. Few value-added services offer professional CV proofreading.

Just because you have a good-looking CV doesn't mean it's a good CV. It still has to be good in both form and content. In terms of content, if you've had it proofread by your family or friends, that's a wise precaution, but apart from a few exceptions, they're not recruiters, or even proofreaders who specialize in spelling. Make sure your CV is in French!

A perfect CV but...

But... there is a "but". Some time after applying for a job, you notice - almost by chance - that a direct debit has been regularly made from your bank account! After investigating, you realize that a direct debit authorization had been granted to the third party you yourself had designated! Then the fight begins, and you're stunned to realize that you've been... taken advantage of! Not to mention ripped off. Clearly, before you commit yourself and order, read verified reviews of CV creation services. Some unscrupulous service providers trick you. When you download their CV template, you sign up for a subscription payable monthly.

Anti-scam tips

When searching Google for a CV creation site, try to avoid the first search results, which are links to paid advertisements for the provider of a service often advertised as free. Remember, when it's free, you're the product! Choose a service that doesn't require you to register, and above all, avoid services that claim to be free and ask you for personal information. Make sure you don't confuse an assistant with a chatbot with no added value. Also, give preference to local companies, i.e. those located in France, unless you want to write your own personal message. an English CV ! This is your only guarantee of being able to exercise your consumer rights. By entrusting your CB number to a third party located abroad, you compromise your chances of resolving a dispute for a convincing CV!

Read the fine print!

To avoid this kind of pitfall, don't hesitate to check out the following specialized sites first customer reviews.

If applicable, at the time of payment, read carefully general terms and conditions of sale and short lines! Or find out more from Pôle Emploior Apec.

In all cases, opt for a payment system such as PayPal, which does not require you to leave your bank details with the chosen merchant, and which has a dispute manager.

What about you? Have you ever used an online CV creation website?

If you've already tried out a CV creation site, let us know about your experience in the comments.

Visit our other tips on the cvsansfaute.fr blog

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