Advice - Professional CV and covering letter proofreading - Le français sans faute -
10 tips for writing a faultless CV and covering letter
A CV and covering letter are two essential documents for any job search. They enable you to present your skills and professional experience to a potential employer. However, it is important to ensure that these documents are well written and without mistakes. Here are a few tips to help you write a flawless CV and covering letter:
1. Use a spellchecker
A spellchecker is an essential tool for avoiding spelling mistakes. There are many spellcheckers available online and in word-processing software. Don't hesitate to use them to check your CV and covering letter before sending them off.
2. Have someone else proofread your CV and covering letter
Another good idea is to have someone else proofread your CV and covering letter. This could be a friend, family member or colleague. Another person may have a better overview of your CV and covering letter and be able to point out any mistakes you may not have noticed.
3. Watch out for typos
Typos are often overlooked, but they can have a negative impact on your CV and covering letter. Don't forget to check your document carefully before sending it.
4. Use a clear, concise style
Your CV and covering letter should be written in a clear and concise style. Avoid long, complex sentences. Use simple, easy-to-understand vocabulary.
5. Be precise
Your CV and covering letter must be precise. Don't forget to mention all your skills and professional experience. Also be precise about your dates of employment and training.
6. Be relevant
Your CV and covering letter must be relevant to the position you are applying for. Don't forget to adapt your document to the position and the company.
7. Be positive
Don't forget to highlight your skills and assets. Show the potential employer that you are the ideal person for the job.
8. Be concise
Remember not to say too much. Your document should be clear, concise and easy to read.
9. Take care of yourself
Don't forget to use a legible font and attractive formatting.
10. Pay attention to detail
Details are important. Don't forget to check your CV and covering letter carefully before sending them. Make sure that the formatting is correct, that the font is legible and that any spelling or typing errors have been corrected. Investing a few euros in a professional proofreading and correction could also be a good idea!