Writing a cover letter for Parcoursup

Writing a cover letter for Parcoursup
Parcoursup is a bit like the young fighter's journey into working life. Above all, it's THE initiation course when it comes to CVs and letter of motivation. This is the first time you will be asked to talk about your career plans, expectations and motivations.

Even if, at this stage, you don't necessarily have any professional experience apart from a few summer jobs, writing an application letter for a training course is very similar to looking for a permanent job. Strictly speaking, there is no job on offer and no recruiters to convince, just teachers. There is no job offer, no post to fill, but there are some highly coveted places!

Unsolicited application or response to a request ?

For apply for a course On Parcoursup, you won't be asked for a handwritten letter, or even a covering e-mail. It's not your first job, it's your career that's on the line! Not your summer job! However, whatever the line of business If you're applying for a job, you'll need to write a carefully thought-out, well-written covering letter. So forget about the unsolicited application letter you find on the Internet. You have no choice but to rack your brains to write a convincing letter!

Choose a sample covering letter

There are lots of sites with examples of covering letters, and it's easy to find good advice on how to write your "cover letter". motivated training project ". On the Parcoursup website you will find the official drafting guide which stipulates that your text must not exceed 1500 characters, which is about one typed page. Please note that this is not a CV Do not identify yourself or date it. This text consists of a short introduction, followed by one or two developed paragraphs and a brief conclusion.

The aim is to highlight the match between your abilities, your tastes and the expectations of the targeted course. There is a great temptation to copy and paste a model letter found on the Internet. However, this is a very personal matter, and only you can answer the questions that the head of the course you are applying for is asking. Why are you choosing this course and how do you meet their requirements?

You need to convince the training manager.

Given the number of applicants who pass through the Parcoursup platform each year - almost one million in 2020 - there is - statistically speaking - a good chance that your Parcoursup cover letter will never be read, especially if you are in the normal range. This is all the more true as it is your responsibility to write a letter setting out your educational plans for each of the applications you make! But don't rely on this to get you out of the exercise: in some highly sought-after streams, careful study of your letter will make all the difference.

How do you decide between the large number of applicants for the same course?

It would appear that there is no hard and fast rule for deciding who is selected for a particular course. Each institution can define its own criteria and method. Before the emergence of Parcoursup, the use of a reasoned application was common for more selective establishments: preparatory classes, BTS classes and private establishments in particular. Faculties tended to apply the "first come, first served" rule, subject to the availability of places, but also to selection criteria that they kept secret. With the APB system, which became Parcoursup, universities were forced to deal with a colossal number of applications.

Selection by marks, yes, but not only that

Grading based on marks, automatic processing of academic records, elimination of profiles using sophisticated algorithms: all these factors make it possible to narrow down the selection process. But in the end, it's time to choose the lucky ones who will go on to study certain highly coveted subjects. This is your chance to defend your application by talking to human beings! So don't waste this chance.

4 tips for writing a motivational training project

How to express your motivation for a job

The easiest way is to talk about the course first, then about yourself, and then show how it matches your profile.

Showing that you are familiar with the course you are applying for will reassure the person reading your letter that you understand what is expected of you.

You need to be clear, precise and concise about your personal training objectives: " What is well understood is clearly stated", said Boileau.

Highlight your strengths and stand out from the crowd

This is a letter of introduction: you have to show yourself as you are. No lies or concealment. If you have an unusual background, explain why.

If the content is good, take care of the form too

A well formatted cover letter is definitely an asset.

Don't forget to proofread your text, because while we'll forgive you a few typographical errors, the spelling mistakes or syntax are unacceptable!

The final greeting

Behind the scenes of the Internet portal Parcoursup.fr, There may be computers and algorithms. Above all, there are human beings, teachers, researchers and even a jury in the flesh.

Even if you are not addressing a recruiter and are not aiming for a job interview, the recipient of your letter deserves your greetings. To avoid an obsequious "Yours sincerely...", follow these steps our advice on polite expressions for a simple, effective formula that reflects your personality.

Visit a few tips for writing your CV or your covering letter on the cvsansfaute.fr blog !

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