Pecuniary: definition
Introduction: the confusion surrounding "pecuniary
When talking about jobs or writing job applications, you've probably come across the word "pécuniaire" or "pécunier", but have you always known how to spell it correctly? The correct spelling is indeed "pécuniaire", but some people tend to write it "pécunière" by analogy with other words ending in "ère".
About a youtuber sanctioned for deceptive business practices, wrote in January 2023 As if pecuniary were the feminine form of pecuniary. Neither pécunier nor pécunière exist. They are barbarisms. The author of the article should have written: "une sanction pécuniaire remarquable".
Here's how to use "pecuniary" correctly in a professional context.
Pécuniaire or pécunier: the spelling to remember
The word "pecuniary" is an adjective used to describe anything to do with money, finances, spending or monetary means. If if you're talking about money with your future employer, you can say: "Money-wise...".
Etymology of "pecuniary
The word "pecuniary" has its origins in the Latin "pecunia", meaning "money" or "currency". It appeared in the French language in the 17ᵉ century and evolved to mean anything to do with money and finance.
Académie française definitions of "pecuniary
According to the Académie française, "pécuniaire" is an adjective that qualifies what relates to money or goods, and concerns finances or monetary means.
Why this confusion of "pécuniaire" and "pécunier / pécunière"? " does it exist?
It's probably by analogy with other words ending in "ère", such as "Financial". When thinking of "pecuniary", consider adjectives like "penitentiary" or "tertiary", which have the same masculine and feminine forms.
Examples of how "pecuniary" is used in job hunting
- "Pecuniary expertise in financial management : highlight your skills in financial management, highlighting your financial expertise to optimize budgets and investments.
- "Pecuniary knowledge in corporate finance When applying for a position in corporate finance, mention your financial knowledge to demonstrate your understanding of the financial world.
- "Rigorous financial management of projects". If you've already managed projects involving financial resources, showcase your rigorous financial management to ensure efficient use of funds.
Tips for using "pecuniary" with confidence
Write "pecuniary" correctly in all your professional documents, including your CV, letter of motivation and e-mails.
Use the word appropriately to describe your skills, your financial knowledge or your management of monetary resources.
Alternatives to pecuniary to talk about money
- Financial
- Monetary
- Budget
- Economical
- Fiscal
- Silver
- Finance
- Fortune
- Heritage
- Investment
- Expensive
- Financial management
- Assets
- Assets
- Revenue
- Expenses
- Savings
Conclusion: a keyword not to be underestimated
By mastering the correct spelling of "pecuniary", you demonstrate the attention to detail essential in the job search process. Avoid confusion by using this term correctly to highlight your financial expertise and increase your chances of professional success.
Key points to remember on pecuniary or pecuniary
Discover the difference between 'pécuniaire' and 'pécunier' and learn how to use them correctly in your job applications. The adjective "pecuniary", derived from the Latin pecuniaThe word "pecuniary" is used to describe everything to do with money and finance. "Pecuniary" simply doesn't exist, even if you've heard or read it before! Avoid any confusion by mastering the correct spelling of this term, and highlight your "pecuniary" skills in your job applications to optimize your chances of professional success.