In spoken language, it is common to hear someone talk about his or her qualities using the expression "de par", which is, to say the least, bombastic or wordy. It is also spelt differently in some cover letters: we sometimes read the detestable "de part" used as a synonym for "en raison de" or "du fait de"...
If it's easy and affordable to have your CV proofread or cover letter before submitting it to a potential employer. When you speak, you will only be able to correct yourself if you happen to stumble over an expression. And if you thought that speaking would protect you from spelling mistakes, remember that, without even writing, you can make mistakes that will leave your interviewer doubting your mastery of the French language.
Which is the correct spelling, part or par? How do you spell it correctly? Is the expression even correct? Read on if you want to talk about your experience in a job interview without making any mistakes in the way you present yourself.
When to use from ?
Spelt as follows, "de part" is used in "de part et d'autre" and "de part en part" or "part" refers to one side, as in "de toute part" or "de part en part". It is also used in the expression "être de part", where it refers to the share of a business that belongs to the participant, i.e. the participation.
Strictly speaking, therefore, we cannot write from + noun.
De part or de par? Usage
The expression de par appears to be a prepositional or prepositional phrase (a preposition made up of a group of words). It is not the result of the combined use of the prepositions of from and de parbut is derived from the expression de la part de as indicated by the Académie française and is rarely used except in specific cases: from the King and de par le monde.

From the King
When the king orders, it must be understood that it is de sa part comes order and form de par is merely an alteration of the expression de la part.
In short, there is little point in using this expression any more.
My qualities, my experience...
The use of de par seems to be a common mistake that only the best proofreaders will notice. If you are in any doubt, simply try saying or writing: "Par mes qualités ou par mes expériences..." and you will understand that the "de" is superfluous. The use of par corresponds to a desire to express the means, manner or instrument that enabled you to acquire a particular quality, to designate the path you took. Perhaps that's why it's found in the time-honoured expression de par le mondean exception noted by the Académie.
What are the alternatives to de par ?
If you want to use from To refer to the origin of a quality, simply reformulate your argument using other prepositions: en raison de, or du fait de.
Du fait de mon passage chez... En raison de mon expérience chez... The expressions are correct, but can appear clumsy.
To stay positive, focus on grâce à to keep things simple and effective.
Finally, don't hesitate to be even more specific: En travaillant chez Untel, j’ai appris à faire ceci, puis cela. Your arguments will be all the more effective and you'll avoid a combination of bad taste and clumsiness.